DIY Bug Spray


Mosquitos love me and I get bit a lot in the summer. I’m not a fan of commercial bugs spray because of all the chemicals involved. So I was happy to find a post on Money Saving Mom for DIY bug spray. Jenae shows you how to make homemade natural bug spray.

About Samantha

10 Things about me 1. I am a child of God. 2. I'm a wife and mother. 3. I homeschool my child. 4. I carry a notebook everywhere to write down or draw my ideas. 5. I have too many hobbies. 6. Creating things fills me with purpose. 7. I start more projects than I finish. 8. I love fabric. 9. I love all things retro, vintage and kitchy. 10. I drink a cup of hot tea everyday.

2 responses »

  1. Mosquitoes are really bad around here. I got a tea tree oil and applied it to a washcloth, then rubbed it over my dog to keep the mosquitoes away from him. It seems to have worked so far.

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