Giveaway Day!


It’s my favorite day of the year!

 This is the first year that I’m giving away and I’m so excited. I have 6 fabulous prizes to give away!


Prize 1:

Funky Log Cabin Pincushion

This sweet little pincushion measures 4 X 4. It’s made from fabric scraps of Denise Schmidt,  feedsack and kona and stuffed with polyfil.


Prize 2:

Pink Polka Dot Reversible Womens Headband

This women’s headband is reversible,  pink with white polka dots on one side and a white and pink print on the other. The headband is wider at the top and taper towards the ears & base of the neck with elastic for an great fit.


Prize 3

How cute would this look on your sofa or favorite chair? I handcrafted this limited edition pillow from a vintage burlap Planter’s peanut sack. It measures 15″ X 8.5″.


Prize 4

Olivia Owl Onesie


Ora Owl Onesie

Olivia and Ora are handmade from my original design. They are hand cut using  fabric scraps, fused on and re-inforced with machine stitching around the perimeter. It is normal for appliques to fray around the edges from continuous washings. 100% White cotton onesie, size 6-9 months



Prize 5:
A surprise 1 gallon size Ziplock bag stuffed with fabric scraps of all sizes, from 2″ squares to1/4 yd + pieces and all weigh at least 16oz . A colorful collection of fabric scraps – Mostly cotton, also may contain cotton canvas and flannel. Some are vintage, some are new , some are designer and some are not. Fabrics are from a lot of quilt shops and a few craft stores.




Prize 6:

Henry Has a Heart

This adorable hedgehog has a heart for you!  The illustration print measures 4 X 5.5 .

To enter: Comment below with your best quilting or sewing tip.

For a second entry, become a follower.

For a third entry, like me on Facebook.

For a fourth entry, tweet this giveaway. 

Enter between May 21 and May 25 at 8 p.m. EST.  Note: This Giveaway is open to US Residents only.  Six winners will be choosen at random. Giveaway is closed.

Good Luck and Happy Giveaway Day!

168 responses »

  1. My tip: serge the raw edges of fabric before prewashing. Or before sewing together when hemming…it makes it easier to hem or fold over, etc…I love my serger!

  2. I love your pincushion and seem to always need another and don’t take time to make it. Lots of fun giveaways; thanks.

  3. Hi, Samantha. I am fairly new to sewing and not the greatest, so I would say create things for people you love. Thank you so much for your generous offers!

  4. My tip is to just keep trying. Seems simple but sometimes it is easy to give up. Keep trying and eventually you will get it!

  5. I am just a beginner, but find that a very large workspace, and good lighting are crucial. Thanks for the chance!

  6. My best tip: I have a ribbon tied to my sewing scissors and I tie it to my machine. This way when my workstation is all cluttered I just search for the ribbon so I can fish out my scissors.
    shel704 at aol dot com

  7. Very new to sewing, so I’d say start with small, easy projects! Building confidence I think is crucial 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaways!

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  8. Hmm, sewing tip…Get yourself a pair of good shears and use them only for fabric. I just got a new pair of nice ones and it really does make a difference.

  9. I am a new quilter so I don’t have many tips of my own, but my favorite one I have learned so far is to starch starch starch your fabric. It really makes piecing much easier.

  10. Here is one that has come in handy for me: before I start a quilt, I make a copy of the pattern. That way, when I am in the middle of the quilt and can’t find the pattern, I don’t panic. I just work from the back up until the original surfaces.

  11. Especially loving the cute pincushion and the fun pillow! My best advice is that of good carpenters: measure twice, cut once…! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  12. All great prizes but I would especially love to win the bag of scraps! My best sewing tip (which I’m not good about following) is cleaning up/organizing as you go. I can’t believe how much time I waste looking for a particular fabric or supply because I never clean up my mess!

  13. I am still a beginner so I don’t have a lot of great tips. But My grandma taught me to keep a crap of material near my sewing machine and to sew into when I finish a problem then I never will have a problem getting the thread ready for a new project.

  14. My best sewing/quilting tip is to do what you love and make things you like. Don’t be overly influenced by what’s “in” or “against the rules” It’s supposed to be fun!

  15. My favorite tip is do not stress! If you cannot see it from 5 feet away or if you have to point out your mistake to someone, let it go! Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Always measure, remeasure and measure again. And then make sure your math is right and measure a fourth time. I’ve messed up so many projects because of this. -grin-
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. My best tip is to always double check. It doesn’t hurt to check and then check again. I have accidentally cut out one size and a different size and didn’t notice until after they were sewn together because I was in a hurry and didn’t take the time to check! ugh!

  18. Hello, My best sewing tip would be to take the time and press each step. It really makes a difference. Thanks for a chance to win. Linda

  19. I try to remember that it’s for fun- it’s my hobby and so should be relaxing and don’t put too much pressure on yourself!

  20. My tip is to not stress out about having multiple projects going at a time. I say work on whatever project you’re in the mood for that day and if nothing is calling to you, start a new one!

  21. My best sewing tip is one I have to keep reminding myself of – be patient, and rip out and re-sew if you have to! Thanks for the chance to win your original creative prizes.

  22. super fun prizes!! I will tell you how I use my patterns. I always trace the pattern pieces onto freezer paper. I then iron the pieces onto my fabric and cut the fabric around the freezer paper. The pattern peels off, leaving no residue, and is reusable. No pins and super accurate!


  23. Generous giveaway! Sewing tip? Read ALL instructions first, have patience and take your time.


  24. Double check that your bobbin is full before sewing a long seam or a border. It is the worst to get to the end and find that only half of the seam has actually been sewed!

    Thank you for the chance to win!!

  25. Great giveaway! My tip would be don’t be in too big a hurry…nothing like having to “unsew” because you were speeding along not paying attention!

  26. I like prizes #1 & #3. My best sewing tip would be to always iron out your fabric before cutting. I made this mistake one time when I cut fabric and there was a major fold in the bottom layer of fabric. I had to cut a 2nd time to get it right.

  27. My best tip is to relax and not try to make everything matchy-matchy. I like my quilts so much better now that not everything is super coordinated. They are more interesting to me.

  28. Great giveaway items! They are all so fun! I would say the best tip for sewing is to just be patient. I find that most of my problems occur when I get in a rush. 🙂 Thanks again!

  29. I am pretty new to sewing but I do have a tip change you needles often and check your bobin case and oil/clean. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  30. If you’re not making a quilt exactly from a pattern (i.e., with the same fabrics and everything), lay it out between cutting and sewing and take a picture of it! I’ve referred to my camera several times … “where was this red going?”

  31. Take your small pieces of batting and make tight balls out of them. Pour cool candle wax over them (especially the good smelling ones) and you have nice “little” fire starters. Waste not want not

  32. Best sewing tip, hmmm…… If your slippery fabrics are being icky under your foot, stitch with paper on top and/or bottom. The paper comes off easy, and you get fewer catches in the delicate weave of the fabric/

  33. Best tip, measure twice, cut once!! Trust me, I have learned this the hard way. . . LOL! You can reach me at scrapgirl1467 (at) yahoo (dot) com. You are offering some beautiful prizes and I appreciate you participating in this giveaway.

  34. My best tip is to keep on sewing, even when things don’t come out as you envisioned. You really will get better!

  35. My tip – put the needle in the right way or your machine just won’t work. It took me weeks to figure out that was my problem. 10 smarty points to me. 🙂

  36. I am a rookie so no tips here. I am working up the courage to start my very first quilt! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  37. My tip for quilting is to read everything you can about quilting and try lots of different methods and products so that you can settle on what suits you best.

  38. I’ve learned most of my sewing skills from online tutes and blogs such as yours.
    My advice is to go for it…zippers, pockets, buttons…you can do it! It may not be perfect on the first go around but I love that my husband now asks me to show him my mistakes to “prove” that it’s handmade.

  39. Hmmm… I don’t know if I have any great tips, but I do think it’s worthwhile to invest in a good sewing machine. My husband did tons of research for me based on my needs and wants and I think it really paid off in the end.

  40. Best sewing tip is to not sweat the small stuff….that being said always check your 1/4″ seam before starting anything major involving lots of tiny pieces. You’ll be so grateful you did, especially if you are a little off, then write it down somewhere so you don’t forget 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. I have began handsewing when I was 6. My mom still has my first piece hanging in her guest bathroom. Everything I know about sewing, I learned from my mom and grandmother. My advice for anyone who sews is to pass on your love for sewing to the next generation. Even if you don’t have children of your own, invest the time into other children. Who knows, you may inspire the next top designer.

  42. always always always use good thread in the bobbin!!!! check for burrs and/or bent needles- went in doubt change the needle! What fun prizes!

  43. What a fun giveaway! Thanks for being so generous!
    The best tip I’ve ever gotten is to Sew what you’re inspired to sew. You’ll get much more done that way. =]

  44. I’m a novice sewer, but my advice is to take your time and and check everything twice so you don’t make any unnecessary mistakes.

  45. I’m loving prizes 1 and 5. You are very generous to have so many. My best tip- only try to please yourself in your sewing. You are the one who counts. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Day.

  46. I don’t know that I have any great sewing tips. I can say that you should always use good scissors. Thanks for the giveaway!

  47. This isn’t anything new, but I’d say that you have to be willing to rip your work out. Doing so early when the first doubt arises saves so much time later on.

  48. Favorite tip – Enjoy the process, not just the product. And cut precisely – it will save time in the long run!

  49. I don’t have any particular tips, but I will say that my favorite quilting book is Elizabeth Hartman’s Guide to Practical Patchwork. I can’t wait to get a copy of her new book. I find the photos so inspiring. I also like the book Collaborative Quilting. Both have been pretty influential to my sewing.

    I added you to my Google Reader because I don’t know how to follow since you don’t have one of those picture things to click on…:)

  50. My best sewing tip would be to just jump in and not think too much about it. It’s all a journey, and no matter how many tips and studying we do, there is still a learning curve.

  51. My best tip would be to not worry too much about sewing “rules”-they are there to help you, so if one doesn’t help, ignore it! I.e. if your Grandma tells you not to make a quilt with solids, or that you have to iron seams to one side or iron sides in the middle 😉

  52. Wow, such generous giveaways! Thanks for being so thoughtful. My best sewing tip is to not worry if things are a wee bit off.

  53. I am just really getting into sewing and quilting…I had done a quilt top several years ago. Then graduate school, teaching, home remodeling took over! LOL So, the one thing I have noticed–coming back to it -is that my tastes have changed in colors and designs! So–I would not buy too much fabric in a stash. Haa!!!Haa! I think it is really good advice, but I haven’t followed it. Now I am just trying to turn over my stash.

  54. My biggest tip. . . don’t put it off! Having great projects that aren’t getting finished is no fun at all, but it’s great seeing your projects being worn, used and loved!

  55. When sewing anything clothes-wise I just always cut out the pieces with my pinking shears. It saves me zig zag sewing time and helps prevent fraying while storing, sewing and handling.

  56. So many great prizes! I really don’t have any tips, or at least none that I can think of at the moment. Thanks for the chance to win.

  57. Look for cheap alternatives to crafting supplies, like dollar store clips instead of quilting clips, hardware store tools instead of craft-branded tools, and spools of ribbon instead of ribbon by the yard. :> Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. There are so many good tips here- I would just say always clean up after every project- you’ll feel more enthused for the next project and the clean up process allows you to sort of debrief and think through what you want to do next.
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  59. I love the peanut feedsack pillow. I am new to all this and not soooo blogger savvy. I would like to follow you but have no idea how. My best sewing tip? Don’t start too many projects at once. I have about 10-15 projects in work and with all the interruptions from husband, kids, and grandbaby ( you know nothing is done then!) I have completed only 2 of them. I need a vacation just to catch up!

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